The Making Sunday Happen Podcast | Episode 211

Doing Ministry through the Storm with Mike Weaver

Show Notes

Show Notes

This week our guest is the Lead Vocalist for the band Big Daddy Weave – Mike Weaver is in the house!

We are talking with Mike about how to do ministry when you are in the middle of a storm.

The band has been through some incredible hard times lately, with deaths in their family to major health issues, and other things, they have been hit extremely hard the last few years.

Can you relate?

Are you going through some personal struggles, a down moment in your ministry?

Are you being hit so bad by the storm of your circumstances that its hard to barely even breath, let alone try to pastor other people?

This week’s episode is for you.


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Follow: Mike Weaver | Big Daddy Weave |   

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The Making Sunday Happen Podcast is the definitive podcast for those who plan, create and execute worship experiences all around the world. This is a legacy podcast where we interviewed hundreds of church leaders, pastors, authors, worship leaders, and church production staff.

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