The Making Sunday Happen Podcast | Episode 056

Leading Creative Teams with Stephen Brewster

Show Notes

Show Notes:

This week I welcome Stephen Brewster to the podcast- Stephen is the Creative Arts Pastor at Cross Point Church. He has been in ministry for years – he is a sought after speaker and leader. We chat about one thing I’m really passionate about: leading creative teams. I asked Stephen about his experience in leading creatives – both staff and volunteers – talking about everything from setting expectations for your team to understanding the different personality types on your team.

Church Media Resource of the Week:
Planning Center Online

A suite of revolutionary church applications. Services – Schedule your teams, manage your music, and revolutionize the way you plan your worship services. Music Stand – Your sheet music on a tablet. Turn pages wirelessly with a foot pedal and take notes. Projector – Turn your lyrics, video and images into Presentations from an iPad or iPhone. Resources – Reserve rooms, publish calendars, and revolutionize the way you allocate your church’s resources. Check-Ins – Securely check your kids or volunteers into classrooms or events. Find out more at Planning.Center

Listen to this audio clip for more information:

More from Stephen Brewster:
Sharable Content:

I want you to have the resources you need to lead your volunteer team well. That’s why in nearly every episode of the podcast I like to provide you with downloadable, sharable content that you can take back and use as you lead your teams. This content is absolutely FREE of charge. You can take it, copy it, and distribute it to your team members. May God bless your ministry as you serve Him.

PDF IconClick Here to Download a FREE Show Outline of this Episode.
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Suggested Tweet: "New #churchmediapodcast on leading creative teams with @B_REWSTER!"

Suggested Tweet: "As a leader, its your job and responsibility to set the expectations for your team. @B_REWSTER!"

Suggested Tweet: "Leaders - Creative people need space to work. Set expectations & let them determine how to reach the goal. @B_REWSTER"

About the Show

The Making Sunday Happen Podcast is the definitive podcast for those who plan, create and execute worship experiences all around the world. This is a legacy podcast where we interviewed hundreds of church leaders, pastors, authors, worship leaders, and church production staff.

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