8 Things that will make your Production Headquarters an Awesome Hangout Space

Carl Barnhill

What is Production Headquarters? 
Call it whatever you’d like, but it’s a good idea to have a space where your volunteers hangout together on Sunday’s. A place where conversation happens, fun happens, laughter happens, community happens. This should be a place that is cool, comfortable, and lively. This could be your control room. It could be a room or a space close to your control room. It could be a room you repurpose on Sunday’s to have a  hangout space.


Below I’ll give you 8 things that will make this space awesome. Some might sound simple, hokey, or even trivial, but they work, and they provide your team a place to form community together.

01 Food


1. Food.

This is a must. Food brings people together. It’s fine to not allow food or drink in your control room (probably a great idea), but a designated area or space for food is a must have. Stock your Production Headquarters with cases of water, healthy snacks, and treats that will keep your team moving.

01 Games


2. Games & Activities.

If you make games available and have them laying around, people will play. Consider Playing Cards, Board Games, Ring Toss on the Wall, if you have room, why not an old foosball/ping pong/or pool table. Games create fun and bring people together.

03 frig


03. Refrigerator.
Your space may not allow for this, but if it does, get a refrigerator. See if someone from your team or church is getting rid of an old one or find one cheap. It’s great to store drinks, food items and more for your team.

04 coffee


04. Kitchen Appliances.
If your hangout area allows for a counter space of any kind, use some of it for some kitchen appliances for your team. A Microwave, Coffee Maker, Toaster Oven, Waffle Maker, and other small appliances will help make your hangout space very cool. Again, you might be very surprised at what people are getting rid of or have laying around they never use that they would be willing to donate.

05 chair


05. Comfortable Furniture.
Everyone loves relaxing in those metal folding chairs right? Comfortable furniture to sit and relax gives a “home” feeling to your hangout space. All these little things matter in creating your culture.


06. A television.
If you can, mount a tv to a wall and provide a feed of the service that everyone can watch together. In down times or as people are coming to serve, consider playing movies or interactive games. If your team plays and hangs out together, community forms!

07 fun people


07. Fun people!
If you have a handful of people that are outgoing, bubbly, talkative and fun to be around, have these people come in just to hang out and help you create the culture you want. This could be their service. Serving opportunities don’t have to be pushing a button – think outside that realm. Your job is not to fill slots, it’s to create culture. Create opportunities that put people in spots that can help you do that.

08 team


08. A PHQ Team.
Consider creating an entire Production Headquarters team with a Leader. This team could be responsible for organizing food, games, decorations for your space, planning guest speakers, devotionals, testimonies and other things for your hangout space. If you have multiple services, use the time between services wisely to create culture and a fun environment.

These things may seem simple, but all the little things add up. Creating an exciting volunteer culture is not a quick, overnight thing. It takes time. It takes effort. It takes the small things adding up over time to form the culture you want for your team.

What does your Production Headquarters look like? What other things do you do to make your space an awesome hangout space?

About Carl Barnhill

Owner, Church Visuals

Carl Barnhill is a creative entrepreneur, motion designer and author. He is the Owner Church Visuals, a company that helps Ministry Leaders visually communicate the Gospel. He is the host of the Your Visuals Matter Podcast. You can find him in Columbia, South Carolina with his wife, Katie and two sons, Jacob and Wesley.

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