Online Church Video Best Practices: Worship Ministry Training Podcast

Carl Barnhill

When Coronavirus hit, just about every church in the world had to jump online with their services. For many worship leaders it was brand new territory, with lots of questions:

How do we do online church well?

How do we foster connection with our people and keep their attention?

How do we make the services meaningful, engaging and impactful?

Which livestream platforms are most reliable? What pitfalls should we avoid?

What about online giving?

I talked through all these questions with my friend Alex Enfiedjian on the Worship Ministry Podcast this month.

You can check out their SHOW NOTES page here

And to learn more about what Alex is doing and to get free resources for your Worship Ministry,

About Carl Barnhill

Owner, Church Visuals

Carl Barnhill is a creative entrepreneur, motion designer and author. He is the Owner Church Visuals, a company that helps Ministry Leaders visually communicate the Gospel. He is the host of the Your Visuals Matter Podcast. You can find him in Columbia, South Carolina with his wife, Katie and two sons, Jacob and Wesley.

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